
By the end of the SERF, participants will have a better understanding of:

  1. Roles and responsibilities of schools, first responders, hospitals, county/tribal public health and municipal/tribal emergency management.
  2. Internal and external emergency notification processes.
  3. Student, staff, and volunteer tracking for reunification.
  4. Communication between impacted schools with community partners such as responders and hospitals.
  5. Opportunities for interoperability, such as how Mutual Link will work or aid in a scenario such as those presented.
  6. New solutions/processes for evacuation with the removal of Areas of Refuge from practice.
  7. Gaps and weaknesses in their school reunification plans and related resource needs (people, processes, places, and supplies).
  8. The La Paz County hospital pediatric readiness and potential impacts to treatment and transport.


  • School Leaders and Staff (including principals, superintendents, special education and other teachers, school health office staff, district nurses, and counselors/mental health staff).
  • Hospital (including Indian Health Services) medical/clinical staff and emergency managers.
  • Municipal, Tribal, and county law enforcement departments and offices.
  • Municipal/Tribal fire departments.
  • EMS.
  • County/Tribal Public Health and Emergency Management.
  • Mental Health Providers from the Regional Behavioral Health Authority/Tribal Regional Behavioral Health Authority as well as CISM responders.
  • State and Federal Government Representatives.
  • State Associations.


First Scenario

A shooting has occurred at the Gryffindor School the first day after a weekend. The shooters have surrendered. Armed officers and the principal entered the classroom where the shooting occurred. As they entered, they were immediately mobbed by the students, all of whom were crying loudly.

The teacher is lying on the floor at the front of the classroom and is covered in blood. There are nine wounded students, two with access and functional needs. It is not immediately clear the extent of their injuries. EMS and fire are at the scene.

The media have picked up the story and interrupted regularly scheduled programming with the news alert.

Second Scenario

It is now approximately 1½ hours since the incident started. Police are escorting the students, staff, and volunteers towards police vehicles.

Reporters are now on the scene from every local media outlet. Several are trying to interview teachers and students to see how they feel about the incident.

Additionally, parents have arrived and are upset that they cannot pass beyond the police barrier to talk to school personnel and pick up their children.

Administrators are beginning to activate their reunification plan. The students needing to be evacuated and reunified including several students with access and functional needs.